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Back to Basics: Keyword Match Types

In the next part of our back-to-basics series, we will be talking about Keyword Match Types. When setting up your advertising campaign in Google Ads and the keywords that will trigger your ad to be shown, these match types allow you to control how exact the searches performed have to be for Google to show your ad. With each keyword, you can choose the match type you would like to use, so it’s important to be familiar with the different types.

This is the third article of our back-to-basics series, previously we covered PPC Metrics. If you missed it, check out part one here and part two here!

Broad Match

Broad match allows for your ad to be triggered whenever one or more words from your keyword or phrase have been searched. Searches causing an ad to be triggered can also contain other words or variations of the original term, including synonyms and plural forms.

Using this match type allows your ad to be shown to a broader audience, which drives increased traffic to your landing page or website. Currently, Google Ads has broad match set up as its default match type.

Broad Match Chalkboard Keyword Match Types

Modified Broad Match

Modified broad match, as it sounds, is broad match but with a bit of a twist. When listing your keywords, you can designate which words must be present in the search term for your ad to be shown.

This match type allows you to still reach a wide audience, like with the broad match type, while increasing the amount of control you have on when your ad is triggered.

Chalkboard Modified Broad Match Keyword Match Types

It’s important to note, modified broad match is currently in the process of being phased out by Google as of February 2021.

Phrase Match

Phrase match requires a search to match your keyword phrase in the same order you have listed for an ad to be triggered or shown. Additional words can be used in the search; however, the keywords must remain in the same order. Google does allow for searches containing slight variations to be included, like synonyms and plural forms.

This match type allows you more control than previously mentioned keyword match types by allowing you to target specific phrases that your customers are already searching, while still providing some flexibility.

Phase Match Keyword Match Types Chalkboard

Additional words can be included in the search term before or after the designated keywords as well.

 Exact Match

Exact match requires that searches must match the keyword or phrase exactly for your ad to be triggered or shown. Like other match types, close variations can also be used.

This match type provides the most control out of the available keyword match types. When using this match type, you can narrow down the audience who will be shown your ad to the most relevant audience. However, in doing so you are decreasing the amount of reach your ad can receive.

Exact Match Keyword Match Types Chalkboard

Using the right match type allows you to optimize your budget for your particular goals. From reaching a specific audience to increasing the amount of traffic on your website, keyword match types can help.

To make sure you are getting the most out of your campaigns, reach out for a free consultation today!

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