Back to Basics: More PPC Metrics

Open notebook next to pencil, glasses, and open laptop

Continuing our back-to-basics series, we will be talking about more of the PPC metrics that can be used in determining the success of your campaigns. If you missed the first post of our back-to-basics series, we talked about some other PPC metrics. Clicks, cost per click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and quality score. Click here […]

Back to Basics: PPC Metrics

Open notebook next to pencil, glasses, and open laptop

From the first Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign you create, you tend to come across the same keywords time and time again. This is why it’s important to be familiar with these keywords. Our back-to-basics series is here to do just that. In the first of our back-to-basics series, we will be talking about a few different […]

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